The Painting of Evil 恶之画 (2020)

  • Drama
  • 1h 23m

In Mandarin with English and Chinese Subtitles

世上有没有纯粹的艺术?导演陈永錤在首部长片即把电影框化作画框,以锐利的美学风格铺 陈一场艺术、犯罪与人性心理的激战,打破世人对恶与美的想像。郁郁不得志的画家在监狱发掘了少年犯的艺术才华,没想到为他们办画展竟轰动全城,原来少年犯曾犯下具争议性的随机杀人案……。当美学牵涉邪恶,你还能以平常心看待作品吗?画家一探少年的过去,藏在秘密基地的神秘画作,是孤独灵魂的陪伴还是邪恶意识的启蒙?电影着墨于画家、死刑犯、受害者遗属等人的心理变化,反思人性纠结在艺术和道德信仰间的考量。

While teaching prison inmates how to paint, middle-aged artist HSU Pao-ching discovers the beautiful abstract paintings of imprisoned youth CHOU Cheng-ting. Hsu arranges an exhibition for others to appreciate Chou’s astonishing work, only to receive furious backlash from the public, who cannot forget the terrible murders for which Chou was convicted. Unable to understand why others cannot see the objective beauty of the art, Hsu investigates Chou’s past, leading him to a mysterious painting that may be the source of the killer’s inspiration. Writer-director CHEN Yung-chi explores the morally complex relationship between art, the artist, and the viewer in this compelling and provocative thriller.

2020年台北电影节:国际新导演竞赛入围 Taipei Film Festival 2020: Nominated for the International New Talent Competition

2019年金马创投会议WIP入选企划 Selected for the 2019 Golden Horse Film Project Promotion WIP

