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The 56th Golden Horse Awards: Netpac Award, The 26th Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards: Best Screenplay, The 4th First Feature Film Initiative : Film Development Fund award
Golden Plaza in Prince Edward district is a shopping mall in Hong Kong known for bridal shops and cheap wedding supplies. Fong works in one such bridal shop. She has been with Edward, the owner of a wedding photography shop, for years. Fong must sort out the sham marriage that she had been paid to be a part of years ago before she can get married sincerely. 坐落于太子的金都商场,以贩售廉价婚礼商品闻名。莉芳在金都里的婚纱出租店工作,与店主小开Edward拍拖多年并已同居。当Edward终于求婚,在众亲朋好友见证的压力下,莉芳只能挤出笑脸答应。但她旋即开始寻找“那个人”,还要想办法先跟他离婚,原来莉芳从来不是单身?当年捅下的娄子,如今该如何脱身?香港新锐导演黄绮琳,首剧情长片便以流畅笔触,带来独具一格的都会电影。透过各种同居日常的描绘,忠实呈现长跑过后爱情里的男女状态,以及现代社会大龄女子该符合的传统价值和各种期待。邓丽欣返朴归真,细腻诠释女性面对婚姻的种种挣扎。导演更巧妙运用香港狭小的生活空间,呈现出主角心境,以轻松幽默的口吻,反映了香港社会现状,以及对未来的仿徨。 English and Chinese Subtitles 中英字幕
Stephy Tang 邓丽欣, Chu Pak-hong 朱柏康, Paw Hee-ching 鲍起静, Eman Lam 林二汶, Sham Ka-k i岑珈其, Hailey Chan 陈俞希