In Mandarin and Hokkien with English and Chinese Subtitles
辣台妹情窦初开,宫庙少女米淇手执阴阳令,足踏七星步,眼里还望着钢管女郎晶晶。偏偏 女生不能跳八家将,米淇不能更靠近神,也走不进晶晶的内心深处。直到晶晶打算赴广州找 情郎,米淇也想去广州找爸爸。她们一路向南,心里靠北,陌路狂花,南台湾小姑娘是仙女姐妹花。巴黎德州,高雄广州,海对岸就成异境,微缩大中国光怪陆离成女孩小本本上风景明信片。看遍偷拐抢骗,黑道加色情,模糊性别界限,跨过成长边境。无分亲情友情爱情,始终站在你这边。宫庙华丽缘,超级潮,拍出女孩心中初潮。身骑白马过三关。把少女浪游作神明出巡,拍成新品种公路电影,沿成长钢线颤微微走索,青春越踏越实,内里仍延续导演一贯对底层关怀。当生产线外移,南方寥落,男人都不联络,您祖妈可成妈祖,女人撑起天后宫。
Best friends Mickey and Gin Gin are scraping by in southern Taiwan. When Gin Gin plans a rendezvous with Jay in Guangzhou, China, Mickey goes along, hoping to track down her missing father. Immediately, they find themselves immersed in China’s lawlessness and betrayal but also lured by new desires and pleasures. Through misadventures, the rascally naive pair seem to mature overnight.
The 42nd TFAI Excellent Screenplay Award
Chinese, Hokkien